2022-23 Mixed Curling Registration

Just announced, mixed curling registration is on October 7 at 7pm. We need teams as well as a new executive so all are welcome!

2021-22 Mixed Schedule Released!

See Mixed Club here.

2021-22 Men’s Schedules Released!

Check it out here at Men’s Club

Mixed Curling Registration Dec. 17/21

Attention! If you’re getting tired of staring at each other from across the table, how about yelling at each other from 150ft across a sheet of ice?

Yes, we’re hoping to start up our mixed league as early as January 7, 2022!!!

REGISTRATION NIGHT: we will have registration and a brief meeting starting at 7pm (meeting at 7:30) on December 17th at the rink. We have plenty to discuss including the league schedule and if we want to attempt a Bonspiel within the current COVID climate/restrictions.

Tell your friends! New curlers are welcome and encouraged!

For more information, you can email Kirby.Valhallaphysio at shaw.ca

Mixed Registration Postponed…

Mixed registration is canceled this Friday! There appears to be a problem with the ice plant that will force all curling start dates to be delayed for the 2021-22 season. Updates will come once we have confirmed the dates of reopening.

Calling all Mixed Curling enthusiasts!

The Beaver Valley Mixed Curling League will be starting up play after Thanksgiving. We are looking for new and returning curlers to join up and get out of the house for some fun, exercise, and (hopefully) popcorn! We play every weekend alternating Fridays and Saturdays and starting at 7pm. Don’t have a team? Come to registration day and we’ll find you one!

Registration day will be at the curling club lounge Friday October 1st at 7:00 pm.

Please have a member of your team show up to register as we’ll need to set up a schedule ASAP. Due to the recent provincial health orders regarding Covid – 19, and to help protect our members, only those vaccinated (2 doses) against Covid – 19 may enter the curling rink.”


Hello All, I just want to touch base with all our membership about escalating COVID-19 cases in our province and now also in our community. We must not let our guard down, but become even more vigilant with our precautions to remain safe. From the start of curling we have recommended wearing of masks in the locker room and lobby prior to going onto the ice for your game. Our compliance is very good in the locker room but not so much in the lobby prior to a game. Curl B.C. has now added to their recommendations that masks be worn on the ice during the games. Hopefully, this will keep our club and community clear of a COVID outbreak. Please stay safe and let’s continue curling.

Ed Wilcox – President

Men’s schedules and bar duty released…

We have established schedules and bar duty for the 2020-21 season. Please note the underlined team on each draw has the hammer to start. Also, please be sure you are aware of the COVID protocols established by the BVCC. It is super important we all follow these rules to keep our club members safe.

Men’s Club schedules and bar duty

Registration Set for Men’s and Mixed Curling…

Men’s curling registration is set for Tuesday, October 13, 7:00pm at the rink. Contact Ed Wilcox for more information.

Mixed curling registration is set for Friday, October 16, 7:00pm at the rink. Contact Kirby Epp for more information.

If you do not have personal contacts for Ed or Kirby please use our contact form.

BVCC COVID Return to Play Protocol

The Beaver Valley Curling Club has developed it’s operating and safety plan in compliance with both Government Orders and guidelines provided by Curl B.C. and Curl Canada.
We have surveyed our club members and there is approximately 70% of our membership that have stated that they will return to play this season if it can be done safely.
Our goal is to provide a safe recreational environment for our members. The Guidelines we are providing are subject to change with ongoing COVID-19 requirements issued by the Provincial Health Officer.

Please see BVCC Return to Play Protocols for full list of guidelines.